A modern knowledge company with a long history
Among many Swedish industrial companies, GA Lindberg is a well-known supplier, which offers a broad range of products and has extensive know-how relating to chemical products. The largest areas are adhesives and lubricants, but the company also works with products for embedding, cleaning and metal processing. MD Ulrika Gregorsson explains that adhesives and lubricants actually have much in common: “We like to say that both are about working with two surfaces. With adhesives, the aim is to keep them together, whereas with lubricants the aim is to minimise the friction between the two.”
This encapsulates some of the technical challenges faced every day by many industrial companies, including in the process, electronics, medical technology and automotive industries that make up much of GA Lindberg’s customer base.
Top-notch know-how
GA Lindberg has many world-leading suppliers. This collaboration gives access not only to many high-quality products, but also to the know-how and innovation of these global operators. “The breadth of options on the supply side also makes us something of a neutral party, which enables us to offer customers the solution that is best for them, no matter what the situation,” Ulrika says.
In order to deliver the right solution, inhouse know-how – concerning both products and the customer’s technical challenges is a real strength. This know-how has been built up gradually over the years and has been aided by low levels of staff turnover.
“To keep up this know-how, we need to retain our curiosity and drive. This is something I am constantly trying to instil in our people.”
Integrating sustainability
The effective management of sustainability issues is a further competitive advantage. One example of this is that sustainability is integrated into the partnership with the customer and linked to everything from financial considerations to practical management. Within GA Lindberg, this is known as ‘industrial sustainability economics’.
“Once again, it is about finding the best solution where we not only help optimise and rationalise the customer’s operations, but also help reduce the customer’s environmental impact and increase sustainability. This might mean switching to products that are both kinder to the environment and that improve technical performance,” Ulrika explains.
“Working in this way helps bring in new business but also helps retain existing customers, and customer retention is very important.”
When it comes to new business, the company has seen strong growth in recent years, thanks partly to initiatives launched by Ulrika and her colleagues:
“We have been more aggressive than before, focused on improving the entire sales process and working more on digital marketing. Price increases have played a role, but we have also grown organically and won market share in several product areas.”
Creating engagement
Ulrika took over as the company’s MD three years ago. At the time, GA Lindberg had been part of Indutrade for around 30 years. In her role as MD, she highlights the importance of delegating responsibility and using management by objectives instead of micro-managing.
“I think it is important to create engagement, to encourage the employees to play their part and have their say. Everyone can then take part and contribute to the growth plans that we have adopted. As MD, I am responsible for formulating the ultimate goals, but everyone must be able to have their say about how these goals are achieved.”
The culture in Indutrade suits Ulrika. She appreciates the freedom and the security that the Group provides. In connection with the recent restructuring of the Group, she was given a new role as business segment leader. Their role is to coordinate work at companies in the same segment.
“The aim is to boost growth. My job is to help develop the business, both via organic growth and through acquisitions where possible. I do this by acting as a sounding board and a resource for managers in the segment.”
Focus on e-commerce
One priority at GA Lindberg right now is e-commerce, with a new solution launching in spring 2024 that will fundamentally change the whole sales process.
“The aim, of course, is to make life easier for customers. The new solution will give them a better picture of everything from products to stock levels when they buy from us. Another big event this year will be our 80th birthday celebrations, which will include a trade show in Stockholm with guest speakers, seminars and much more on the agenda”, Ulrika says.