Indutrade establishes a sixth business area


Starting 1 January 2015 the Indutrade Group will be organised in six business areas, instead of five at present. The change entails that companies with operations in measurement technology in the Special Products business area will be broken away to form a new business area, called Measurement & Sensor Technology. The aim of the sixth business area is to strengthen this technology cluster and management function within Indutrade.

The president of the new Measurement & Sensor Technology business area will be Patrik Stolpe, who began his employment on 1 December 2014. Patrik Stolpe joined Indutrade most recently from a position as Global Segment Manager Monitor & Control at Xylem. Prior to this he served in leading positions at Lorentzen & Wettre.

The changes will be reflected in the Group’s external reporting starting with the interim report for the period 1 January–31 March 2015.

Preliminary financial key ratios for the new business area structure, based on the outcome for the full year 2013 and third quarter of 2014, are presented in an appendix.

In connection with the year-end report, which will be published on 16 February 2015, definitive key ratios for the new organisation will be presented.

Stockholm, 5 December 2014

